The Welcome Dictionary



  Enjoy Your Visit To The
   Sacred Healing Grove
Sacred Healing Grove Beliefs
We as teachers are dedicated to the ideal of service, helping each individual to discover sacred truth.  We believe that healing is not only of the body,
but also of the mind and spirit, manifesting in many forms.  In so being, a grove has been crafted where all seekers of every tradition can feel safe, nurtured and honored to discover the commonalities of our world and its connection to source.


dedicated or set apart for

curative; prescribed or
helping to heal.

a small wood or forested
area used for worship.
someone who endeavors to connect to
the spirit of all things.

a round dwelling consisting of poles in
a lattice arrangement with a conical
roof of poles covered by felt or skins.

a form of therapy in which the
practioner is believed to channel
universal life force in order to encourage
healing or restore wellbeing.